Product Details
It empowers comfortable, ultra-precise and sans contact control of microscopic particles, single or living cells, or subcellular life forms and the estimation of intracellular activities.
Hence, it can hold, move, pivot, join, independent, extend or in any case it can control up to 2 x10 microscopic objects at the same time or independently in three dimensions. The frequency of the laser doesn't meddle with the integrity of living specimens.
Cell-arranging and cell-positioning can likewise be refined along with the quadrant detector enabling the measurement of binding forces or viscosities at the sub-cell level. Because of numerous ports and double level laser coordination, the consistent utilization of various modules and imaging technologies is conceivable. Automated quadrant finder calibrations routines permit force-distance measurements, purported Force Spectroscopy. An additional feedback module is accessible for isometric force identifications and force clipping.
The MMI CellManipulator is highly modular and may be mounted on various microscope brands from starting level to the top of the road instruments.
Hence, it can hold, move, pivot, join, independent, extend or in any case it can control up to 2 x10 microscopic objects at the same time or independently in three dimensions. The frequency of the laser doesn't meddle with the integrity of living specimens.
Cell-arranging and cell-positioning can likewise be refined along with the quadrant detector enabling the measurement of binding forces or viscosities at the sub-cell level. Because of numerous ports and double level laser coordination, the consistent utilization of various modules and imaging technologies is conceivable. Automated quadrant finder calibrations routines permit force-distance measurements, purported Force Spectroscopy. An additional feedback module is accessible for isometric force identifications and force clipping.
The MMI CellManipulator is highly modular and may be mounted on various microscope brands from starting level to the top of the road instruments.