Product Details
Metaphase Arresting Solution comprises a highly refined solution of colchicine/vinblastine sulphate in PBS, useful for increasing the percentage of metaphase cells for chromosomal studies. The product is developed to be more effective than the colchicine alone for bone marrows, difficult tumours and other problematic tissues with low mitotic indexes, also wherever the colchicine/colcemid appears to be ineffective. The solution has been found to be useful for sensitive cultures where the cells lift off when colchicine is added.
More than gentle than the colchicine, hence the cells do not produce such an adverse reaction. A gentle alternative to colchicine/colcemid and contains colchicine and vinblastine sulphate; it is less toxic to cells because the concentration of colchicine is diminished whilst the extrablocking activity of vinblastine sulphate implies that it is extremely effective. Rounded-up cells in culture are much less likely to lift off when treated with MAS where MAS may be used as a direct replacement for colchicine/colcemid without major alteration to existing laboratory protocols.