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The STEDYCON transforms your existing widefield microscope into an advanced confocal and STED nanoscope, achieving a remarkable resolution down to 30 nanometers. With just a free camera port and a quality objective lens, you can enhance your imaging capabilities significantly.
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Features & Benefits

  • xcitation laser lines: 450nm, 594nm, 640nm (all pulsed)
  • STED laser: 775nm (pulsed)
  • 2D STED resolution: <40nm, typically 30nm (depending on dyes and objectives used)
  • Easy-STED geometry: all laser lines aligned by design; maintenance free optical beam path
  • 3 confocal imaging channels
  • Detection: APD1: 650-700nm; APD2: dual-band detection: 502-572nm & 608-627nm, gated detection (for confocal and STED)
  • QUAD beam scanner: 90µm x 80µm (with a 100x objective); 512x512 pixel up to 1.1 frames/s; line frequency up to 800Hz
  • Pinhole: 1.1 Airy unit for a 100x objective
  • Software: browser-based control software operational on any modern PC, Mac or tablet: line interleaved STED and confocal imaging in three imaging channels; options to define z-stacks, acquisition queues and time series, auto-save function
  • Dimensions: STED-camera head: 11cm x 20cm x 20cm; controller: 22cm x 55cm x 60cm; total weight head plus controller unit < 40kg

Product Details

The STEDYCON transforms your existing widefield microscope into an advanced confocal and STED nanoscope, achieving a remarkable resolution down to 30 nanometers. With just a free camera port and a quality objective lens, you can enhance your imaging capabilities significantly. The STEDYCON is designed with a user-friendly, intuitive interface, making it an accessible platform for all users, regardless of expertise. Its smart technology allows users to produce stunning super-resolution images with only a few minutes of training, simplifying even complex imaging tasks. Just define your experiment, and the STEDYCON handles the rest, providing exceptional imaging at the push of a button.

Despite its compact size—similar to a shoebox—the STEDYCON is a complete confocal and STED microscope, seamlessly integrating with any microscope frame that has a camera port.

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