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3i 3i VIVO in India

VIVO incorporates advanced optics, cameras, computers and proprietary electronics to achieve unparalleled speed, precision and flexibility in live tissue image acquisition.
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Features & Benefits

  • The imaging of blood clot formation and the recruitment and involvement of blood coagulation proteins was first captured in real time in multiple channels on a VIVO system. The 3D reconstruction over time of the forming blood clot was captured with multiple fluorescent probes using VIVO, both wide field deconvolution and Spinning Disk Confocal.
  • VIVO used with Laser Ablation, Ferric Chloride, Rose Bengal Injuries.
  • VIVO with particle tracking has been used to capture and count white cell rolling along a vascular tree.
  • VIVO is assisting in the formation of new targeted therapies for Hemophilia and other blood related genetic diseases.
  • The identification of cancer tumor markers and their roles in physiological processes have been recorded using VIVO.
  • Blood vessel sprouting can be recorded over time and computed with VIVO(tm) and Slidebook software.
  • Enzymologic parameters using fluorescent FRET substrates introduced into tissues of living animals are imaged with VIVO.
  • Calcium transients in circulating cells have been measured using VIVO.
  • Intracellular Signal Transduction phenotyping in vivo
  • Pharmaceutical Therapeutic Targeting and Screening in live animals

Product Details

VIVO incorporates advanced optics, cameras, computers and proprietary electronics to achieve unparalleled speed, precision and flexibility in live tissue image acquisition. The configuration of the VIVO system is designed to allow the presentation and maintenance of healthy live tissue without compromising high sensitivity imaging at high speeds. Innovative SlideBook software works seamlessly within VIVO for powerful and intuitive image acquisition and analysis.

The VIVO system is ideally suited for imaging vascular beds including: dermis/skin-flap, mesentery, cremaster, cerebral-microvessels (via cranial window) and for imaging of larger vessels including the femoral and carotid arteries. The combination of high-sensitivity and high rate of capture is essential for accurate measurement of dynamic cardiovascular events such as thrombus formation and leukocyte rolling.
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